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Old 12-29-2006, 01:01 PM
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craignlisa craignlisa is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Calgary
Posts: 12
craignlisa is on a distinguished road

Thanks everyone. I can deal with that. What is odd is it never did this before. Although i have never really cleaned it that well with vinegar before either. It does seem a little better this morning.

130 gallon,20 gallon sump, 12,39 watt t5's in custom hood. naso tang,,pair of saddleback clowns, pair of true percs, 4 anthias,6 blue chromis, coral beauty, potters angel, keyhole angel,royal gramma,sixline wrasse,cleaner wrasse; and my new gorgeous and eating wonderfully regal angel,2 purple lta's and ,lots of softies and looking to upgrade the corals
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