A friend of mine is doing the xango thing and swears by it. She was even feeding it to her 17 yr old dog and swore he was getting better. I tried to explain to her nothing cures old but that just pi$$ed her off. She had to put him down last month.
What I really see is it costs her $160 for 4 bottles and she HAS to buy a case every month. She also feels she is going to get rich. She has been to the states for special events 3 times in 6 months to help her learn how to sell it to her friends and family. (cant sell it to me though)
Now....she hasnt had a cold in the last six months that she has been using it....but she gained 30 lbs. She claims to have more energy but doesnt get out of bed till 10am. She claims it helps her sleep better but she doesnt go to bed till 4am. She claims her sex life is better but kicked her boyfriend out. I could go on but really all I see is its drains 160 out of her bank account every month. But she feels good about it.
Hang on.......maybe it can cure this reef addiction....if it did then it would be well worth it and save me a ton of money.