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Old 12-28-2006, 04:26 PM
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craignlisa craignlisa is offline
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Default L/F Sugar sized Sand in Calgary

HI there.

Just like it says i am trying to find some sand for my daughters nano and can't seem to find any in lfs without an insane price attached to it It wasn't this much a year ago
Anyways if anyone has some laying around that they would like to sell let me know.

130 gallon,20 gallon sump, 12,39 watt t5's in custom hood. naso tang,,pair of saddleback clowns, pair of true percs, 4 anthias,6 blue chromis, coral beauty, potters angel, keyhole angel,royal gramma,sixline wrasse,cleaner wrasse; and my new gorgeous and eating wonderfully regal angel,2 purple lta's and ,lots of softies and looking to upgrade the corals
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