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Old 12-27-2006, 02:47 AM
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So, bearing in mind I haven't read the section in detail yet, only scanned it, these are the things that caught my eye:

- recommend upflow instead of downflow to avoid compaction
- recommend flow control valve on input not output to avoid pressurizing the unit
- recommend media volume 1% of total tank volume
- something about the reactor height to diameter ratio should be something like 5:1 (I'll have to read more about that one)

My main thinking here is that the flow-through is too high, and the recirc is not enough. I don't know about switching to 1% tank volume as that will need a different reactor, same with changing the height/diameter ratio (actually mine may already be close to that anyhow, give or take). The main thing I'm thinking is switching the flow control valve to the input, leaving the output wide open; changing the flow direction to upflow; potentially scrapping the feed pump (since need to slooooowwww it down even more), and upping the recirc pump from a mag2 to a mag7 or mag9.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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