i agree with doug, i'm not putting the unit down, just stating some issues i've seen so far so people have a heads up. one thing that i absolutely love is the amount of back up safety features there is in this unit. for example overheating, you can setup the unit for parameters of your heaters to turn off at a certain temperature, if that temp is breached then you can program dimmable lighting to be reduced a certain percentage per .5 degrees increase that the temperature climbs and then eventually turn all lighting off to further reduce heat or without dimmable lighting you can have it turn halides off one a time. i mean if you had a chiller the unit would also turn it on to reduce temperature but if you dont this are just a few of options you have, in addition they have fans that can be controlled by this unit that are variable speed and depending on the temperature increase the controller will increase the fan speed. i seen these fan units and they are gorgeous, and the most quiet fans i've ever heard. i'll be getting a 4 fan unit in a couple months i think once i get the controller setup. this unit can also to an extent control the ph of tank. if the ph decreases to much it will cut of co2 to your reactor if you have an electric solenoid attached to your co2 regulator.
question though jason, will one powerbar handle 2 400w metal halide or will a fuse blow in the powerbar, i heard that it will only handle one halide unit each. i'm going to run 3 400w and i was thinking of splitting them up onto seperate circuits but if i dont have to then i will run 2 off one powerbar. until i get another powerbar.