Thanks for the pictures colin.
1-The reason that there is no suction cups on probes ,these are not hobby probes ,labgrade probes usually don't come with suction cups ,as they are not mass produced specially for aquarium industry.
2-As for more outlets ,you can have up to 24 outlets in total on profilux ,which I believe is more than enough for any size quarium.
There will be another version of powerbars with 6 outlets comming in January ,you will be able to daisy chain them together for more outlets ,therefor they do not require an extra card or occupy a nother slot.
The reason there are 2 x 4 outlets per bar rather than 1 x 8 outlet per bar with the package is that this way you are able to draw almost twice out of the 2 bars rather than 1 bar with 8 sockets ,given that each bar handles 15 amps.
As what you have now with the controller ,you alraedy have ph/temp /multiple level sonsors ,redox ,conductivity , tunze pump control ,light dimming ,computer /internet connected ,timer programs ,moon cycles ,seasonal light control ,data logging ,alarms ,fish therapy programs ,led control capability,Multiple failsafe features ,......................& external view module.
Plus all that you are left with another slot as well.I am not sure what else you would like to contol
also they have bluetooth ,disolved oxygen ,ca & nitrates ,in D/D right now ,which as you see they have combo cards ,so each slot is able to handle multiple functions.
Also the other thing we can do if you did use (unlikely )all the slots & wanted to have more modules ( forexample in case you were controlling multiple tanks),we can chain another profilux as an extension to your currect controller ,as some other units have multiple card have to get for this purpose.
Price of the extension profilux without any extra card is very reasonable & alraedy comes with more ph ,temp ,multiple level control capability ,another 24 sockets control ,....
Also the other thing you have to keep in mind is the quality of the unit ,the powerbar & the probes.
Unit has 2 year warranty,the programming is super easy & not near as many bugs or problems other known systems have .
when you are using a controller ,what is most important is that IT HAS TO BE RELIABLE WITH MULTIPLE FAILSAFE FUNCTIONS.
which is what you get with profilux is reliability.
Also the internal battery that does not need replacing like some others ,each outlet is on its own fuse wich is changable ,if one fail only that function is disabled rather than the whole bar & many more advantages over other brands.
BTW ,there is english manual included in the package ,best of what I remeber there is the set up process & language selection inthere .
Enjoy your new toys