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Old 12-23-2006, 01:34 AM
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niloc16 niloc16 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: mission,bc
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niloc16 is on a distinguished road

today i finally got to open it up and check everything out, i installed the wireless LAN and redox card, and installed the drivers on my computer but ran out of time to try out the controller with my computer. i took some pictures of the whole setup right out of the box and for the install of the new cards.

here is before the cards installed

and after

and the final product

i'll post more as i do the install. i am a little disappointed in the amount of outlets on the powerbars. i have to buy another power bar and an adapter for only 1 more plug but the power bars seem very heavy duty so thats a bonus. when i first turned on the controller everything is in german as well as the cd install for the computer, i guessed my way through the driver install on the computer and found an english button.

my tank setup
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