Thread: i need help now
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Old 12-22-2006, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by draco View Post
that makes sense. no i top off with fresh RO water, but i do my changes with tap water. i think i may be through most of this now. my leather coral is standing up more and my water is clear. however my 2 firefish and my jaw fish did not make it through this. my clowns are back in the tank and doing ok so far. i am still looking for any advice, you can never know everything right. and i dont want to mess up again. i am off for a boxing day sale is it worth looking into a new filter, i am not familiar with the canister filters. i have a fluval right now and i dont like it. also i noticed from running my friends coralife skimmer that it is pulling more out than my prisim. any comments?
Okay what they were trying to say was"you need to make up water in a something big, like a garbage can about 24 hours before you want to do your water change. Add a power head and a heater and let it sit for the 24 hours.That way when you do your water change the salt is dissolved completly and aereated. Adding fresh salt to your tank that looks dissolved is not always dissolved as you learned with the specs on your fish. And it burns them when it lands on them so that is not helping. Is there a reason why you use r/o for top offs but not water changes. To me that defets the purpose of adding r/o at all. The tap water will add to a phosphate problem which will not help. And i used to live in Drayton and no there water quality
The filter is not a bad one. Depends on what you can get there not sure haven't been there in about 6 months so am unsure about that. I would just see how things go from here and yep upgrade the skimmer if you upgrade anything.

130 gallon,20 gallon sump, 12,39 watt t5's in custom hood. naso tang,,pair of saddleback clowns, pair of true percs, 4 anthias,6 blue chromis, coral beauty, potters angel, keyhole angel,royal gramma,sixline wrasse,cleaner wrasse; and my new gorgeous and eating wonderfully regal angel,2 purple lta's and ,lots of softies and looking to upgrade the corals
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