Thread: i need help now
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Old 12-21-2006, 11:25 PM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
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Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
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Those #'s don't look too bad to me although you are showing some nitrite so that is not great as it means that something is not quite right. IMO Red Sea are not the most accurate tests and if at all possible it might be worth your while to either try and borrow some Salifert or Elos test kits (or if you have a friend with those test kits take a samle of water over and re-test it) or if there is a saltwater fish store in Drayton Valley take a sample in there and have them test it.
I have no experience with greenx but I do know that it is a phosphate remover. The only thing I would run in your canister filter for the next while (say a couple of weeks) is carbon and change it out often (say every 3-4 days) Also make sure that you have a quality carbon to run. I know that you can buy some very good quality carbon from Prairie Reef Supplies for a very reasonable price.
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