Thread: i need help now
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Old 12-21-2006, 10:29 PM
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take out the filter floss from the fluval, only run carbon. i'm guessing you did too many water changes and the new saltwater did not have time to fully dissolve, did you test the parameters of each new batch of saltwater you made? rapid changes in water parameters reak havoc on the system. stable conditions is more important than achieving an ideal number. do a full test of all parameters on your tank and post on here what you get. let the tank sit for a couple days and settle out. its one thing to do a 50% change in a day but if you were doing a change every day than more than likely thats what has happened. acclimate your fish that is in the bucket to your tank for about 45 minutes and then put them back in. hope this helps. the more info you give us on your water parameters the more we can help. if you have added nothing in months and only thing that has changed is the multiple water changes then that has to be it

my tank setup
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