Thread: i need help now
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Old 12-21-2006, 09:48 PM
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draco draco is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Drayton Valley
Posts: 90
draco is on a distinguished road

my ammonia and nitrite were fine, my nitrate was on the high side a few days ago, and has been dropping, my alkalinily is in the normal range and my ph was 8.2. i have a 55 gall with a prisim protien skimmer, a fluval 304, 2 seio powerheads, power compact lighting, and i have 62lbs of live rock, i took it slow adding things, i listened to everythiing everyone told me. i have 2 fire fish, 2 clown fish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, zoos, leather coral, kenya coral, frog spawn, and hammer all my coral is just tiny frags no bigger than a fist, lots of hermits and i had a royal gramma just got her about 3 weeks ago.
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