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Old 12-21-2006, 04:08 PM
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The volume of media is around 1750ml (so just under 2 litres), which works out to about 1/3 (give or take) of a 1 gallon container of Caribsea LSM.

Flow rate is one drop per 2 to 3 seconds. I haven't worked out what that corresponds to in terms of ml per minute. I think I should work that out, I'll measure how long it takes to fill a 15ml measuring spoon tonight and post back here as that's probably good info to have to help determine whether something is set up right or not.

The water is being recirculated in the first chamber (the sulfur media only) by a mag2. The second chamber (ARM media only) is single pass.

One thought I had is that it's very difficult to determine how well the mag2 is pushing water through the media. I was wondering if it's possible that it's blocked and maybe that could explain things a little? Unfortunately I haven't worked out a way to figure out if there is flow through the media. If I blow bubbles into the intake, I could see where the bubbles go, but then I'm introducing air into the chamber and I would have assumed that's a no-no. But maybe the mag2 isn't enough, maybe it needs a stronger pump to push water through the media.

Also it's a downflow style reactor, I wonder if an upflow would be better.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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