Originally Posted by Subdued
i get a kick out of that mag drive ox every time i see it  aslo quite the nasty look skimmate...ick
That's a day's worth of skimmate. It's a pretty good skimmer so far I'd say. I'm liking it and liking the direct feed from my tank overflow.
225g reef 3x250w MH 8x39w T5 Sfiligoi/ACLS, Deltec AP851, Deltec PF601S, Deltec KM500, Ozotech Poseidon, Aquatronica, Tunze TS48, Tunze Nanostream 6025s, Aqua UV 114w, MTC Ozone reactor, Cole Parmer peristaltic pump
67g reef, Euro-Reef RS135, 60g refugium, Mag 9 return, Tunze Nanostream 6025s, 4x39w T5