Good stuff colin ,it is great that we have the wireless option.
Hi Dave
Yes to the first question it is capable of doing that ,on the side not we also have optical level sensors for Profilux aswell
Second question ,we just got the LAN modules in yesterday ,I will give you more info on that soon.
As far as calcium probe ,GHL has been playing with the Idea ,the peoblem is only one thing ,unlike other manufactureres their number 1 concern is the quality of each piece of equipment,the price of CA probes that they were comfortable to use & passed the test of time ,quality & did not have to be refiled & recalibrated & was good for continious use was too high for the hobby ,so they are looking for other sources & they will not lower their standards to rebrand a cheap quality probe line like many other companies have done,the programing is already done & rather the easy part.
There are other features & modules in the work I will let you know as soon as we have more info.
As far as if it is approved by Tunze to use them with the pump ,I have to ask the manufacturer & I am not sure .
I know one thing for a fact most german users use Tunze with profilux & I frequent many german forums myself & not one person has reported any problems with this feature .
Keep in mind we are not dimmimg the pump from the 110v powersource ,there is a 12v connection from profilux that connects to the pump driver ,not the power plug ,so this feature does not even take a socket away from you.