I have had 4 females in my tank for 6 months and i have no male yet 
About a month into it the 2 larger females battled it out for about 4 days. Mouth locking every 2 secs i though t one was turning then. But after the 4 days all was good and i have yet to have a problem with them. They all stay together. So i would say it would be fine.
130 gallon,20 gallon sump, 12,39 watt t5's in custom hood. naso tang,,pair of saddleback clowns, pair of true percs, 4 anthias,6 blue chromis, coral beauty, potters angel, keyhole angel,royal gramma,sixline wrasse,cleaner wrasse; and my new gorgeous and eating wonderfully regal angel  ,2 purple lta's and ,lots of softies and looking to upgrade the corals