Originally Posted by Chin_Lee
I'm assuming that these generators are placed outside and power is brought in via extension cords?
AN ABSOLUTE MUST DO!!!! Did you see the News about the senior couple who died from carbon monoxide poisoning from a gennie. 
90 gal. FOWLR, 25 gal. Sump/Refugium with Chaeto Macro, 60lbs. Live Rock, Q.O. 6000 Return Pump, Wavysea Wavemaker, Aqua C Urchin Skimmer, 2-VHO (1-super actinic blue, 1- actinic white), Icecap 660 Ballast, Auto Top Off System, 2 Clownfish, 1 Brittle Star, 20 Hermit Crabs, 7 Small Mushroom Frags (attempting a mixed reef).