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Old 12-18-2006, 05:51 AM
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IceCap 430 Information: Ice Cap Ballasts are the coolest ballasts available using 40% less electricity and burning 40% brighter. Their unique circuitry prevents premature lamp burn out and fading associated with VHO lamps. You can run VHO, HO, and STD fluorescent lamps in any combination. In summary, the Icecap 430 is a versatile and powerful ballast.

As stated above the ballast can run VHO, HO, STD, but you need to get the bulbs you want...i believe the icecap 430 will run 3 110vho bulbs at one time and that is it.
however if you say put a vho bulb in a ballast that can't handle vho then it would only be what the ballast could produce.
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Last edited by Pan; 12-18-2006 at 05:55 AM.
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