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Old 12-15-2006, 12:51 AM
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Originally Posted by midgetwaiter View Post
It's my understanding they are very similar as well which is surprising considering Phoenix is Japanese and AC German.

If you look at Sanjay's test data the PAR output on the ACs is pretty remarkable compared to other 14ks, I haven't found similar data on the Pheonix. The ACs are supposed to last longer as well while the Pheonix bulbs have a pretty bad rep in that regard. Considering the Pheonix is usually about $60 US and then you have shipping and exchange AC bulbs aren't much of a premium. If I get a chance to find some cheap I'll probably try them too though.

My camera is NFG and doesn't account for the blue very well automatically, I've been meaning to sit down and play with it but I haven't had time. Here's a pic of my BTA with the new bulb, you can see a little sliver of crocea in the top left corner as well.

Albert has one in a store fixture too so he can show you what it looks like. He had told me about it before and I was thinking about trying one but as soon as I saw it in person that was it.

I think my New Years resolution will have to include something about free advertising for the competition.

ooh purty wish my clowns would host in something other than the powerhead...stupid fish
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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