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Old 12-14-2006, 04:16 AM
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Default My 90g & 14g Tanks

- 90g all glass, custom stand
- coral life pro 48in lights (two 96 watt compact flourescent two 150 HQI
metal halide three 1 watt leds)
- fluval FX5 filter
- pro4 power head 400GPH
- seid super flow pump 1500GPH
- Red sea prizm pro skimmer

- 90lbs figi live rock
- 120lbs Caribsea aragamax sugar sand

- Tridacna clam
- assorted polyp rock
- open red brain coral
- open green brain coral
- green frog spawn coral
- green candy cane coral
- green bubble tip anemone
- green acropora

- 1 blue damsel
- 1 black barrier clown
- 1 red coris (juv) wrasse
- 1 cardinal pajama
- 2 green chromis
- 1 eibli angel
- 2 peppermint shrimp
- 1 barred goby
- your standard cleanup crew as well

It has been up and running for 11 months.

My nano tank:

14g Oceanic bio cube
2/24 watt compact flourescent 2 leds
Filter wet/dry bio balls
25lbs fiji live rock
1 bag live sand

Green speckled mushrooms
Red mushrooms
Green button polyps
Galaxy coral
Sun coral
Colt coral

Fire fish

New to this forum, like to say hi.

Last edited by NIN; 12-14-2006 at 04:35 AM.
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