- 90g all glass, custom stand
- coral life pro 48in lights (two 96 watt compact flourescent two 150 HQI
metal halide three 1 watt leds)
- fluval FX5 filter
- pro4 power head 400GPH
- seid super flow pump 1500GPH
- Red sea prizm pro skimmer
- 90lbs figi live rock
- 120lbs Caribsea aragamax sugar sand
- Tridacna clam
- assorted polyp rock
- open red brain coral
- open green brain coral
- green frog spawn coral
- green candy cane coral
- green bubble tip anemone
- green acropora
- 1 blue damsel
- 1 black barrier clown
- 1 red coris (juv) wrasse
- 1 cardinal pajama
- 2 green chromis
- 1 eibli angel
- 2 peppermint shrimp
- 1 barred goby
- your standard cleanup crew as well
It has been up and running for 11 months.
My nano tank:
14g Oceanic bio cube
2/24 watt compact flourescent 2 leds
Filter wet/dry bio balls
25lbs fiji live rock
1 bag live sand
Green speckled mushrooms
Red mushrooms
Green button polyps
Galaxy coral
Sun coral
Colt coral
Fire fish
New to this forum, like to say hi.