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Old 12-10-2006, 11:39 PM
marcingo marcingo is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 296
marcingo is on a distinguished road

I am currently running a 55 gal without a skimmer and all my levels seem ok. What I do is top off the water when it evaporates. The only problem I am currently having by running skimmerless is lots of hair algae on the glass but it seems the turbo snails are getting rid of it. I also ran a 10 gal skimmerless and did the same. I had the hair algae issue too but after a few weeks it dissapeared on its own and the tank ran no problem after that. I find that the corals I keep seem to grow better in the conditions mentioned above since they are mostly filter feeders (gsp, xenia, zoos, palys) not sure how other stuff would do in my water. Levels running this way are all zero except for minimal nitrates.

Last edited by marcingo; 12-10-2006 at 11:50 PM.
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