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Old 12-10-2006, 03:58 PM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
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Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
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I would check your ammonia test kit. You should not be getting any reading for ammonia.
I would ditch the foam in the Fluval filter and just run carbon.
Nitrates can be tolerated by fish a lot easier that they will be by corals but at 80ppm you are getting close to a danger zone. I know in my FOWLR (and some softies and anemones) my nitrates always seem to run around 20-25ppm. I have large fish in this tank and they are all big eaters. I also skim the heck out of this tank (190g with sump/fuge) This is the tank that houses my Blonde Naso (13-14"), Moorish Idol, Maroon clown, Conspic. Angel, Goldflake angel and lonely Helfrichi fire fish.
I am sure that there are probably some better canister type filters but if you are upgrading in the near future (which you are going to have to) I wouldn't go and spend $300 on a new canister filter that chances are you are not going to use in the future and can probably only sell second hand for a fraction of what it will cost you.
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