I assume that if something is dead, the Lobster would be feasting on it. The other parameters of the tank are
PH. 8.3
nitrite 0
ammonia .25 / .5 (never seen it lower)
Sponges in filter are cleaned weekly, as well as the media bags for the denitrate and carbon.
There is also a UV steraliser (coralife 3x Twist)
I know, I know Nasos get big. Believe me, i cant wait for it to get bigger. however, I am also currently looking for a 180Gallon Reefready tank to upgrade to within the next few months.
This tank has been established for 9 months now. I will try another water change in a couple days.
I read that Nitrates are not toxic to fish... is that true? sounds like bs to me.
There is no sponge on the powerheads. only in the fluval.
Are there better filters? or should I stick it out for a few more months until i gett a reef ready setup?
Thanx for the input...