Thread: Help
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Old 12-10-2006, 01:38 PM
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cav~firez22 cav~firez22 is offline
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Default Help

Ok, First off,
Happy Holidays every one.

My setup is a 65 Gallon tank
roughly 120 Lbs of Live rock.
50 Lbs of live sand
70 Hermit crabs
10 ish snail
2 sand sifter starfish
1 brittle star
1 Caribean Lobster

Filtration is a Fluval 404.
1st canister (bottom) - Carbon bags
2nd canister, Seachem's DeNitrate in bags
3rd canister, Fluval Biomax
4th caniste, more biomax

Also, a HOB Red sea Prism Protein Skimmer

powerheads are,
1 aqua clear 30,
1 aqua clear 70

Live stock

1 5.5" Blond Naso
1 6" yellow tang
1 Coral Beauty
1 Scooter blenny
2 Perc's w/ annenomie ( 8 - 10" round)
3 small damsels.

if i forgot any important keys, let me know

The problem is, even after useing de-nitrate, my nitrates are still at 80ppm. These levels kinda scare me. Does anyone know a surefire way to eliminate these nitrates? Im to the point, that the solution is a logical one, cost will be no object. Im open to any DIY ideas. ANYTHING. all the fish in the tank LOOK healthy and happy. Both the tangs will feed from my hands. they dont look stressed, or sufficated. however, i dont want to wait until they are, i want the problem fixed.

Are there better filters? i was considering a Eheim Wet.dry, or the new fluval FX5.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated guys & gals.

Thanx Much
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