I basicaly just needed some space to vent some frustration. I have elected to rebuild my transmission, unfortunately at expense, however in the end I feel it will be worthwhile. Even if I were to unload the car, I am honour bound to disclose what problems I know about the car, or to fix them so that an unsuspecting buyer will not face problems down the road that would be in part on my own conscience. If I spend the money, well what I will have is some peace of mind, plus, I will get my car back that is basically a blast to drive.
Circumstances beyond my control brought me to this point. Well ... I don't know. Nobody forced me to buy a used car. Although, they kind of did. I -had- a good car that was reliable and within my means. But it was taken away from me. I wouldn't have bought this car when I did if it wasn't for that.
But, I feel it is a waste of time to dwell on how a person got somewhere. Rather, they should focus on where they go from there. This is my philosophy, and it works for me. Well, sometimes. I am tired, and I am not certain I am making any sense.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!