I picked up the other itty-bitty diadema tonight. Unfortunately by the time I was done dripping him in (even going from 1.025 to 1.025 I feel better drip acclimating s..l..o..w..l..y

) the lights were off so I didn't get a picture. Maybe tomorrow.
This guy is teeney-tiny!

1.5" max with the spines. Man can he truck along at a good clip!
I found that, at least with a tuxedo urchin that I had for a long time, it didn't matter if the urchin ate coraline because (so the theory goes anyhow) they spread the spores around and the coraline spreads faster. I found my rocks were still purple and pink and so on, but the glass did get some coraline munched off.
I've never tried a diadema type before so I thought I'd give this guy a go. I like the blue bits in between the black needles