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Old 12-04-2006, 08:24 PM
windeindoiel windeindoiel is offline
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Default starting a nano, what do I need to know?

Ok so I *think* it's a oceanic bio cube that we're going to get, the 29 gal.

On the ad I found in a magazine it says it has a 36 watt 10,000k and a 36 watt true actinic 03, as well as moon LED lights. Will that be enough to keep coral in? So far I was thinking star polyps and fuzzy mushrooms, maybe some sun coral. Any other recommendations? Also will a bubble tip anemone be ok in that lighting?

Will I need to buy additional powerheads to keep a decent amount of flow in there? How many?

For stocking I would like a couple horseshoe crabs (I know how big they get), some skunk shrimp, some little brittle stars, maybe some fire shrimp, and 2 of the smaller species of clownfish (don't know what yet) if the anemone will be ok in there.

And is there anything else I'm missing here? This is my first time setting up a salt tank so I don't really know what I'm doing.
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