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Old 12-02-2006, 03:09 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Burnaby
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SeaHorse_Fanatic will become famous soon enough

Well, just spent most of the week making new RODI/saltwater. The all day Friday was spent transferring Live Rock first, then corals, & finally fish into the new 220g. Thanks Morgan for a hand in the morning & thanks TomR for a hand plumibing in the return pump. That pipecutter is sure handy.

Plumbed in my 40w Lifeguard UV sterilizer in last night around 1:30am. No leaks detected & with the help of a micron sock, the tank is looking spectacular this early morning. Usually not a morning person, but this is like Christmas morning to a fish nut like me to check out the new tank the morning after. Will post pics as soon as I can find my battery charger.

I'm really pleased with the aquascaping & I took advantage of the 2-sided viewing & 24" width with the rock work.

So far, the fish & corals seem to like the new tank. Heck, the Powder Blue Tang didn't even ick up & I would have bet money that it would.

Seahorses have now been transferred into their new home in the sump.We'll see how well they do in their new environment.

Sorry for the lack of pics, but soon. For local reefers, you're welcome to swing by to look at the new tank in person

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