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Old 11-30-2006, 02:49 PM
bubblepuffer bubblepuffer is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 143
bubblepuffer is on a distinguished road

When I setting up my first Saltwater/Reef tank, I lost numbers of fish.. even the nasty Blue Damsel that got sucked into the Maxi1200. Then a Porcupine puffer that last for less then 48hrs, cause it got sucked into another intake =( he is still weak at that time as he just new to the tank.. now I cover up all my intake with the filter plastic or some kind of net thing on it. No more fish die from intake.

I am thinking about the same thing, I got a porcupine puffer that I called him/her Chicken as he/she always chicken out from any new animal or thing I introduce into the tank. My dad want to get a Lion fish for the puffer to be the tank mate.. I heard story about Porcupine tried to nip on Lion fish and got stink by it.. so I am still want to find out more about the combination..
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