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Old 11-27-2006, 08:13 PM
windeindoiel windeindoiel is offline
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Default lionfish and puffers?

Ok this tank isn't even in the setting up stage yet, it's more a distant dream, that will happen one day. But I figure I might as well ask now if this combo will work, so that I know if I can think about one tank or two tanks that I want set up.

Ok so will a volitans lionfish, a porcupine puffer and a snowflake eel work together? How big of a tank am I looking at to comfortably house these fish when they're all growed up?

For decor I'm thinking two big piles of live rock (probably glued together to make it harder for the moray to do some redecorating) on either side and open space in the middle. Sound good?

Also will any low light corals work with a puffer?
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