Thread: Cooking Rock
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Old 11-26-2006, 03:04 PM
Farrmanchu Farrmanchu is offline
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Originally Posted by Chad View Post
I see this comment so many times. There still seems to be a large amount of people who have no clue what "cooking" the LR really means. Some think its killing all the pods etc. But in reality your killing anything that is photosynthetic. So, your killing Algae (which most people do not want) and possibly some corals (which if it was really one you wanted you can take off before you start the process).

I have about 30 lbs or more of LR cooking for the past year ( for my 90gal tank which is not setup yet ) .. There is so much life on those bloody things now. Sponges, snails, copepods. You name it. Except Algae!

Most people I think would agree that you don't normaly cook fresh LR that you just bought from the retail outlet (came from ocean). "Cooking" LR is usualy reserved for rock that has become algae infested or came from a poor husbandry environment.

Just my 2 cents
Well said!
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