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Old 11-25-2006, 05:53 AM
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Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
truely amazing ,but I have to ask why isn't there a euro reef or a H&S or even a Deltec there or even a BUBBLE KING....
sorry man why why why is there a ASM skimmer there
jk love the plumbing too and its blue too. Why is that a different type
ASM skimmer...I bet it works just fine. I built the system to house an in-sump skimmer. If the ASM leaks a bit, it's no problem. If it looks like I spent unlimited funds everywhere, I'll take that as a compliment. Who knows...maybe someday I'll change it.

Plumbing is regular class 160 and 200 pipe. It is just painted blue. This was mainly done because some of the plumbing might be visible through the back wall of the tank and I didn't want it to be distracting. Once I got started, I just kept painting....
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