Originally Posted by marcingo
Sorry to change the topic but I have been wondering if Picasso triggers can be in reef tanks? Have you ever had any trouble with him picking at corals or do the picassos just kill snails/shrimp/hermits? Also what kind of corals do you mainly have? Has he killed any corals before?
Again sorry for changing the subject just wondering though.
Good question. It's my understanding that none of those Triggers are reef safe. I have 4 Trigs. Picasso; Clown; Blue Chin; Pink Tail. All in a FOWLR tank. I've been told that Zoo's will be fine and I intend on trying this after I move/upgrade in December.
Having said that....maybe the corals mentioned above are zoo's.
As for the Aiptasia....may I suggest doing a search on this topic

. There's got to be I don't know how many threads on this. Heck, there was two just last week. JMO.