Originally Posted by StirCrazy
Now to put this into proper perspective If the solaris puts out 100 units of light, 87% will be in the PUR range or 87 units of light. Where if the MH puts out 600 units of light 78% will be in the PUR range or 468 units.
no where in that graph does it say how much light is put out, only how much of the output is usable.. it is a very nice marketing ploy though..
Doesn't this quote from that link address the PAR issue?
"Using the data shown in Figures 2 and 4, plus standardized surface area, the 75-watt Solaris produced 89.4% of the PAR generated by the 250-watt XM 20,000K lamp.
This equates to totalized PAR (µmol·sec) over a normalized surface area of 113 µmol·sec per watt for the Solaris, and 38 µmol·m˛·sec per watt for the metal halide lamp."
It sounds to me like the 75w Solaris produces more PAR per watt, but less PAR in total. But not substantially less... 89.4% of the MH PAR.