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Old 11-20-2006, 05:08 AM
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Originally Posted by MoeReefer View Post
what are you going to put in the corner to the left of the tank there. have you thought of what you may put in the tank once it is ready for livestalk (aqua scaping, corals, fish).
cant wait to see the final, but i guess it will be a little while yet.
That spot to the left is where all the rum goes. I'm thinking of some hanging glass shelves and some wine glass racks. Beneath that, there will be a small fridge/freezer that will hold fish food, mix and ice cubes. (you know, important stuff like that)

I don't have a list of livestock yet, but it's coming. I'm certain that I will use Florida aquacultured live rock, and there will be some transfers from my existing tank.

Originally Posted by Jason McK View Post
Have you figured out your Lighting yet?
I was really, really tempted by LED...but the cost for 2 - 6 foot fixtures was just too much. I considered 6 x 250W luminarcs with some added T5. In the end I found a great deal on 3 - 4' AquaMedic fixtures. Each has 3 - 250MH and 2 54W T5s. I figure these will be easy to sell in a few years when I finally realize that I should have gone with LED in the first place.

I picked up an awesome overhead track system last week. Once I complete water testing, working on that is the next step.

Last edited by untamed; 01-26-2007 at 03:50 AM. Reason: spelling error
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