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Old 11-17-2006, 08:39 PM
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Chad Chad is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Surrey
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I bought the big Battery pack from Canadian tire as well, the one with the wheels, unfortunately I cannot find it on their website. Anyways.. I was running a Tunze 6060 on it for over 12 hrs and it only dropped 1 notch on the power scale. So.. it was a beauty! I didn't use it for the heater as the heater just sucks up the juice. Instead I swapped out 3 large zip lock bags of hot hot water every 1 hr or so. Kept my temp at 80 the entire 48 hrs of this mess.

My regards to those that lost stuff. My tank seems good.. a few stressed corals maybe.. but my tank is doing crappy as it is.

Good news is I fixed my TV and the DVD players seems to be just a fuse. I tested the generator at work today with a volt meter, was producing over 220volts at one point. So, needless to say.. stay away from the D & J power - DJ950 generators.. They say there is a regulator on it, but if there is its not working.

Hopefuly the guy I bought it from pulls through and gives my money back.. Looking to get a Honda Generator now.

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