Well guys I'm going to be the lab rat! I understand that the units are backordered but I'll talk with J&L today & find out /make the order.
I am moving to my new home at the end of the month so tear down of the current FOWLR is the priority. I'll go pic intense on both the lighting & aquascaping for everybody not to worry.
The new set up will be a deep-water community (south pacific) so Softies, LPS, filter feeders & a decent fishload is the rough plan. I will try some SPS & clams, although they will not be the main focus of this system (SPS tanks are great, but I'm a sucker for so-called "soft" corals).
I want this set-up to be low maintenance & quite frankly stunning to look at. I'll be utilizing aquascaping techniques found in Reef Aquarium Vol III using eggcrate & black expanding pond foam + live rock on PVC frames so it should be pretty cool. I'm also going to try to camo necessary equipment (this tank is not drilled!) so the scape' should be a fun challenge.