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Old 11-17-2006, 06:28 AM
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While the cats away... My wife always likes the results but not the process.

I've tracked the garage temps for a year now. Mid 40's in the winter to mid 60's in the summer. I had hoped to avoid a chiller if possible but will add one if I need it. Unlike true coldwater tanks that run around 55F constant, this is going to be a tidal zone system where temps naturally vary more. I've already figured out the temp issues, stocking, lighting etc... and will include them as the thread develops.
Some people suggest double paned, thick glass or acryllic to avoid condensation but that is because they are running 55F temps in heated areas. My tank will be keeping (close to) ambient garage room temps so the condensation will not be that great an issue. The one area of concern is the pane that faces the porthole as it will interact with the entryway temps. The entryway is the coldest part of the house and there hasn't been an issue so far but I have planned a small fan mod to blow on the glass if it arises down the road.

I also lived in Calgary for 6 years and no, we don't need to plug in our cars around here either

Here's a schematic of the fishroom.

The tank is 6' wide but the porthole is only 4' wide. The studs in the wall made going wider rather complicated and in the end the effect is quite nice. The "wings" hide my overflows, returnlines and you don't get that side pane reflection look.

So far I have done all the construction, electrical and plumbing work so the cheapskate theme is on!
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Last edited by Dale; 01-21-2011 at 01:35 PM.
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