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Old 11-17-2006, 03:19 AM
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Chad Chad is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Surrey
Posts: 1,031
Chad is on a distinguished road

well, I had no power for over 48hrs, but luckily I have three different power packs / power inverters. So that got my tank through, but today I thought I would buy a nice cheap generator for any future power outtages.

Now, I realize that generators do not produce a proper sine wave but I asked this guy and he replied that it could run a TV etc. Perfect, would love to watch some TV and keep the tank happy. Well, I put the TV on the generator, everything looks good.. but then all of a sudden there is a fizzing.. oh and smoke.. oh.. Opps. TV is now gone! ... so is the DVD player. then the fan is gone that I was using to air out the now stinky room. I call up the guy who sold it too me. and he says " you can only use it on Analoge TV's" WTF!!! I asked him specificly. Sigh... getting my money back but that is it.

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