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Old 11-17-2006, 12:21 AM
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Funky_Fish14 Funky_Fish14 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sedgewick View Post
if its plumbed off the main display its a satelite not a tank, lol
Exactly, haha.

"Its not a new tank... its a 'support system', which helps keep the tank in good health. I just have great lighting, corals, rock and fish in there to make it more natural!"

Well, Im still a student as well. I started with the 10g Nano(after some tough convincing of the parents), to which my mom began to enjoy watching during supper time. 3 months later, I asked for my Christmas present to be an upgrade to my 'empty' 33g tank. After 6 months, my mom quite enjoyed watching the tank, and I talked about a larger tank offering more freedom with fish, and also how the 33g didnt have the best 'filtration', etc... The fan for the halide was loud, my dad didnt like that. He wanted to change the entire hood for some reason, and I wanted an upgrade. We found a 75 setup going for a good price, so we brought it home. I admit I didnt do the best job setting this one up(looks good though), and im not happy with the filtration, I also want to upgrade just to give the fish more swimming room, so im 'upgrading' to a reverse 90. It will also be an 'experiment' to see how automated I can get the system going, as my mom wants a room divider in the new house in a few years, and they plan to leave alot so cant take care of it all the time. The only barrier so far has been cost, but, my Dad understands its one of the few things I ask for, and its related to my future career. He also knows it makes my Mom quite happy, so he is willing to help with costs(as does my Mom). I do contribute as well, but having the parents on my side helps
No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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