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Old 11-14-2006, 02:57 AM
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kwirky kwirky is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary
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kwirky is on a distinguished road

haha i worded the poll as "spouse/significant other" but forgot to word the thread title the same.

I live with my mom still since I'm a student, and when I said I'd like a fishtank for my birthday, people chipped in and I bought the glass to build my own. When I said it'll be 4'x2'x2', she didn't quite comprehend how large it would be until she saw it assembled in the basement. She freaked out

My girlfriend, and her parents, think if I gave up the hobby I could afford a car, but I'd rather have a hobby than a car; especially since I'm still in school for another year after this one...

I started the poll, because now I'm not to have any more tanks (i have a 120 reef and a 33 cichlid), but I REALLY want a cube reef of some sort. It's this strong urge I can't explain. I think I'll just set it up in my bedroom, since nobody goes in there anyways, and budget for a chiller during spring.

I'll wait till they notice 400W of MH lighting seeping from under my bedroom door
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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