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Old 11-07-2006, 06:06 AM
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Default FS: Misc DIY Acrylic (Richmond, BC)

More stuff from the closet, okay not really, but found in my 'DIY box' at the shop.

A bunch of acrylic that I bought to use for various projects, but as usual, never got around to them.

First are 3 flat peices:

7 x 13.5 x .5" - $10

13 7/8 x 15 5/8 x .5" - $15

15.5 x 9 x 11/16 - $10

TUBING SOLD!!! Some round peices for a skimmer. This tubing is CAST acrylic, ie: the good EXPENSIVE stuff. The tubing has a 6" OD, and 5.5" ID. There are 2 peices. The first is the longest peice. The first peice is 14.5" in length.

The second peice is the small one. The ring you see at the bottom is NOT glued/attached. But it is a slip fit that can be glued on. It is 5-7/8" in length.

I would like $40 for the long peice, and $15 for the small peice or $50 for both. TUBING SOLD!!!

Last edited by Gujustud; 11-15-2006 at 11:46 PM.
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