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Old 11-07-2006, 03:30 AM
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Fish Fish is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Okotoks, AB
Posts: 724
Fish is on a distinguished road

Thanks for letting me know about the RC thread - I'm going to track that down once I get water in my tank and use it to set the skimmer up.

Yes, I will probably drill at least a couple bulkheads in the bottom of my tank... I am going to bolt an external pump to the underside of the stand and run a closed loop through the bottom of the tank. I might do it with both external pumps actually... if I can get a low enough flow submersible pump to serve as a sump return...
I am still thinking about how to do my overflow... In my experience, the two-bulkhead herbie method is the quietest and safest - bar none. But, I would like to do something less visible if possible... still racking my brain though

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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