Here are a few pics of my latest project, a 5G. water bottle skimmer.
A special thanks to Marc and Dale at The Hidden Reef for their brainstorming imput.
Cutting the bottle
bulkheads for the
Sedra 9000 needlewheel recirculating pump
Connecting the pump. I couldn't find matching unions for those glued to the Sedra (It was off an existing skimmer) so I used 3/4" unions reducers and 1/2" pipe.
The skimmer return line
and the skimmer feed line
A view of the guts. The elbows direct the feeding flows in a circular motion.
Trimming the top down a bit
Siliconing the skimmer together. When I am completely satisfied with its performance I can seal it if neccisary with marine
The skimmer return pipe
Cutting the lip off of the neck so 1 1/2" pipe will fit
Setting it in a 50G. sump for testing
Feeding the skimmer with a small pump
I mixed up some saltwater and then mixed in this from my 125 Coralife superskimmer (3 days of dry skimming)
This is what happened

roll a joint