Day 1 - 31 Oct 06
At approx 5 pm, a neighbour pointed out a baby seahorse in my SH tank.
Upon closer inspection I noticed approximately 50 baby seahorses floating around the top of the tank.
I honestly dont' know whey they were actually born as I personally did not witness it.
Although I do have a baby fish and SH setup that I am trying to engineer, I wasn't expecting these arrivals and had to improvise.
I grabbed a 3 Gallon fish bowl and placed it into a 10 gallon tank.
I then filled the fish bowl with water from the main seahorse tank.
Using a cup, I gathered up the babies as unobtrusively as possible and placed them into the fish bowl.
I then placed a couple of cupfuls of rotifers from my rotifer cultures and basically that was it.
I must say, very cool looking creatures.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP
Last edited by howdy20012002; 11-02-2006 at 08:33 PM.