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Old 11-02-2006, 05:05 PM
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littlesilvermax littlesilvermax is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Winnipeg
Posts: 779
littlesilvermax is on a distinguished road

That green slimer in the background is now only 3 inches from the water surface!

I know, I know I need more current pics.

If you notice on top of the slimer is a piece of digitata. I always wondered how pieces of this coral ended all over my tank. One day I spotted my regal tang biting off a piece and placing it were he wished! I guess he figures he is the aquascaper! Stupid regal tang!

250 BB Starphire SPS, clams, & zoos
3 x 250 DE, IC 660 W/T5s
OM 4-way, Hammerhead Pump
Calcium, Kalk, RO filters, magnesium, Excellent prices
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