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Old 10-30-2006, 02:25 PM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
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After a bit of back and forth with Charles Delbeek, this is what he's concluded about our red blob....

It is virtually impossible to accurately ID macroalgae from photos of whole specimens. Some species even have completely different growth forms in different parts of their life cycle (e.g. Aspharagopsis (sp??)). Anyone who does any sort of macroalgae taxonomic work can only ID to species using a microscope and even then it is not 100% for certain they will get the right species. So my advice is to just call it Predaea sp., you will not be able to ID to species without a taxonomic key and a microscope and several years experience.

Seems pretty harmless to me and easily controlled. Enjoy it while you can, many macroalgae are seasonal.
So, Predaea sp. it is

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