Thread: Black Spots
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Old 10-29-2006, 09:35 PM
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RicePaddy RicePaddy is offline
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Location: St. Albert, Alberta
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No, I am positive it was the Yellow Tang. When I bought him he was a little beat up from his tank mates. And the place where I got him from is suppose to quaranteen the fish before selling. I notice a couple of sault like black spots on him when I put him in my tank. Then they came off and now I see them on my clown fish.

I am never, ever going to buy anything else and just place it in my tank. From what I am reading this Black Spot can last in your tank for months. How big of a quaranteen tank will I need for a yellow tang, 2 clowns and a damsel. And I imagine I will also have to QT my cleaner shrimp.

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