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Old 10-29-2006, 08:19 PM
Dave C Dave C is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Posts: 133
Dave C is on a distinguished road

Long post here, lots of pics so sorry to dialup folks. I had some time & I wanted to determine whether I could do the aquascaping without PVC, acrylic rods or cement. So I taped off the tank inside dimensions, laid down the starboard and pretended that I had my tank. Call it boredom, planning or just impatience waiting for the tank. Insanity is more like it. I started out wanting a couple of lopsided, different sized islands and ended up with a bit more then that. I'm trying to avoid the "wall of rock" look that I've seen, as well as trying to keep the rock away from the glass to allow cleaning of all sides. I may have come closer to the wall-look then I want but it's my first attempt and I think it's pretty good. This rock will certainly provide a lot of places for coral placement. Unfortunately I don't have that much floor space to lay it out so I am not able to get any pics from the full frontal look of the rock. Here's the best I could do. I'm not tied to this look so feel free to voice your opinions...

Looking to the right side from the front...

More detail of front, right end...

Same end, different angle...

Left end while looking to the right...

Looking towards the left side from the front...

Gap between right & left side, might remove the joining rock & leave empty...

Another angle of left side...

Left end...

When it comes to assembling this in the tank I plan to do it this way again and get it the way I want it and then move it piece by piece into the tank room & into the tank. It's much easier to manipulate the rock & find the best fit this way rather then in a glass tank. And this rock fit together very solidly, without anything holding it together other then its own weight. Any comments?
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