I used to smoke for about 10 years, both my parents smoke (my mom heavily to this day, 3 packs/day of the cheap, cheap american stuff) and I used the "with all the second hand smoke, I might as WELL be getting something out of it!" excuse. Worked really well for me
I finally stopped after I made the decision I was sick of it. Got sick of the smell on my fingers, got sick of the taste in my mouth, the cost, the selection - everything. I'd tried before that, many times, with no luck - it wasn't until it felt right that it worked for me. I've had a few since that happened, and each time it reminds me why I don't do it anymore.
Still want to from time to time, but it's the thought more than the actual desire of the taste or the "experience".
Good luck - make sure you have LOTS of support and there's a cool trick I saw the other day, every time you want a smoke, text someone about it
It talks about that a bit here:
anyway, good luck!