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Old 10-24-2006, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Ruth View Post
I have no proof but I do know that this guy is very very weird. He has apparently shot other dogs in the neighborhood and according to one of my other neighbors even had a dead dog nailed up to his shed for a while.
Gunplay is serious and I will wait to hear back from my RCMP friend - but at the end of the day my precious little angel is still gone and she suffered a horrible death and nothing I do can change that.

My most sincere condolences to you during this horrible tragedy

One thing I have say about this neighbour of yours is that he is a remorseless killer. Of dogs. So far. There have been studies linking people who abuse and kill animals to people who eventually go on to kill people. I'd be very cautious of dealing directly with this guy with regard to the death of your beloved dog.

On the other hand, I'm glad to hear you have contacted the RCMP. I also urge you to follow the suggestions of contacting the local SPCA.

I'd also discuss with the RCMP whether or not to contact local media. A newspaper article, for instance, can do wonders to bring the situation of missing and dead dogs out into the open in your community. Others may come forward to the RCMP with complaints, and perhaps on the basis of several complaints, the RCMP may have some teeth to go after your neighbour. However, as I said before, this guy is a remorseless killer. Make sure the RCMP are supportive of this course of action.

I may have watched a little too much CSI, but if at all possible, with the support of the RCMP and/or the SPCA, try to get a vet to remove the bullet from your dog. This may be expensive and emotionally hard to do, but it may be the only evidence you have to indicate who may have shot your dog.

Again, I am so sorry for your loss

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